werken bij ZOA
ZOA ondersteunt mensen die lijden onder oorlogen of natuurgeweld. We bieden noodhulp en helpen bij het weer opbouwen van een bestaan, zodat ze in vrede een waardig leven kunnen leiden in hun gemeenschappen.

Over ZOA

We are here for people who have lost everything due to wars or natural disasters. Together, we can come to their aid in emergencies. After that, we are faithful and help them rebuild their lives – until they are ready to help themselves again. We believe that God calls us to bring peace, reconciliation, and hope to a broken world. We work towards a world where people have hope and live dignified lives in peaceful communities, and have faith that one day we will experience the true peace. The work of ZOA is coordinated from Apeldoorn, the Netherlands. From Apeldoorn operates ZOA in multiple countries in Africa, Middle East Region and Asia. ZOA works approximately with 900 employees worldwide.