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werken bij Open Doors International
Open Doors wil vervolgde en bedreigde christenen wereldwijd versterken, toerusten en aanmoedigen tot wereldevangelisatie.

Over Open Doors International

Open Doors International is de internationale overkoepelende organisatie van Open Doors en heeft kantoren in onder meer Nederland en de Verenigde Staten.

Open Doors steunt christenen die om hun geloof worden vervolgd of verdrukt. Open Doors brengt Bijbels en christelijke lectuur naar landen die daarvoor gesloten zijn. Daarnaast geeft Open Doors training en verleent de organisatie praktische hulp, zoals traumazorg en noodhulp.

Open Doors werkt wereldwijd in zo'n vijftig landen. Daarnaast wil Open Doors westerse christenen betrekken bij de vervolgde kerk.

Open Doors doet dit omdat ze gelooft dat wanneer één lid lijdt, alle leden meelijden (1 Korintiërs 12:26) en omdat ze gelooft in de zendingsopdracht (Mattheüs 28:19) en dat alle deuren openstaan voor het Evangelie.

Core Values

  1. We are: Part of the Body of Christ; a 'people to people' people
    Brother Andrew, inspired by Revelation 3:2: 'Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to die', tells us that we are more valued by our physical presence than the ten best sermons we could bring. Simply being there' alongside our fellow persecuted brothers and sisters is the single most important thing we can do.
  2. 'Persecuted church' driven
    Wherever there are needs to be met, whether that is in a church, school, home or market place, Jesus meets them there, because that is where we can be found working alongside them.
  3. People of the Bible
    As we read the Bible we see the unfolding picture of God before us and are encouraged to live as his new creations. When we understand who God is and who we are in Him, it completely takes away our fear in any situation or confrontation.
  4. People of prayer
    We recognise that we are in a spiritual battle (Ephesians 6:10-18) and see the power of prayer being a powerful weapon in meeting the needs of others. It is always in relation with reaching out to a lost world with Jesus.
  5. Living and working by faith
    We believe the door has always been open for the Gospel, because the door has never been closed (Matthew 28:19). We will never lose sight of this fundamental truth. It keeps us outward-focused.
  6. Devoted to Jesus Christ with His commission
    We want to show the world that there is a different lifestyle available for those in Jesus Christ and to conquer the world as his witnesses to that eternal truth. As the last spoken words of Jesus say in John's Gospel, "You must follow me" (John 21:22). Therefore, we see the outside world as a challenge, never a threat.
  7. Motivated solely for the glory of God
    Our only motivation should not be for ourselves, but a compassion for the lost, bringing glory to God through His son Jesus Christ.

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